Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day :)

I am sorry...I didn't get pictures of the boys or family for Thanksgiving.  We traveled to Des Moines to hang out with my mom and her side of the family.  It was a lot of fun, but testing our sanehood on the drive there and back.  Kai has been great in the car, but Kade on the other hand...not the best.  It didn't help that one of the dual dvd players was broken (that will be taken care of before our next long car ride!).  We made it to Des Moines and had a great lunch with aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins.  We had a lot of fun and a great ornament exchange.  Then we were able to stop and see my aunt on my dad's side and my grandparents.  We are so lucky it all worked out the way it did.  We made it home Thanksgiving night all in one piece.  PK has the day off with us tomorrow, so it should be a great day.  More tomorrow or this weekend :)  Much love!

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