Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Ok....who did we make mad?  2 boys and 4 pink eyes (that is PKs saying).  We have been doing drops 4 times a day.  It is getting better, but I just want their eyes back to normal.  Life in theKuempel household has been great.  We are all keeping busy and the boys are active and learning new things everyday.  I am not sure what we will do this winter and activities, but I need to start thinking of stuff to do inside.  The weather is turning cold, so I am not looking for that.  PK is keeping busy at work, but still hanging tough with us at home.  I am staying super busy at work and taking care of the kids on the two days I don't work.  We are getting ready for the holiday and Kai turning 3.  My God!!!  Can you believe he is going to be 3!  Time really does go quick and I do need to remember that.  That is about all that is going on here.  We miss you all and we will see you all soon for the holidays.  Here are some random photos of the boys.  They are keeping me on my toes, but I am loving every minute of it.  Oh I have to add....one ofPK's coworkers just had a baby.  Ava Ann....we both got to visit her today and she is perfect and little.  Trust me it doesn't make me want another :)  Much love...the Kuempel Clan.

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