Friday, November 21, 2008

Sick Days

Well, we are trying to survive the house of hacking and blowing noses all day. Not only do the boys feel like crap Paul and I went down in flames! Not only our family, but daycare was closed yesterday and today. Man, what a bunch of sickies!! We are all hanging tough....a lot of movies and laying around. Kai loves the new movie WallE. Kade on the other hand doesn't like to sit still one minute, so it is nice when he is napping. Very excited I made homemade chicken noodle soup, so I am hoping that will get us all better....and it doesn't kill anyone off.
On a side note about something other then our family. A family friend has gotten engaged and my engaged friend's sister-in-law just received a second bone marrow transplant. We are anxiously awaiting the news that she is good. Our problems seem minimal to what the Lee's are going through. Please send a quick prayer for Hanna Lee and her family.
Here are a couple of pics of me and the boys. The one of Kade on the floor of the kitchen...he got bored and dumped out brown rice. That is always fun to clean up.
Kade in a Santa hat just woke up for the day.
Kai just getting up. Gotta love his hair.
Then the one of me is the 1st picture Kai has taken. He gave the camera and said smile, so then I taught him which button to push.
Everyone have a great weekend and please stay heathly :) Much love....Kuempel Clan

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