Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Limbo

I apologize to you all about not updating my blog in such a long time.  I couldn't find our camera charger, so I couldn't download pictures.  But bear with me it might be another day or 2 to get pics of the new house and the boys up.
We have been living in limbo for awhile now.  We have finally moved in to our new home and we are so excited.  
We would like to thank all the people who helped carry, clean and organize or just help with the boys.  I am so very thankful for everyone who has stopped by to take a look at the new house.
So far we are settling in, but the boys are a little confused.  The one I was really worried about was Koda, but she is settled in nicely.  I can't wait for warm weather.  We are going stir crazy.  Well, I will get this up and promise to post pics soon.

Much love!

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