Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Boxes and More Boxes

There isn't anything new to report from the Kuempels in CF.  We are packing up box after box and the boys love to play in the empty boxes.  It is so funny to watch.  All those expensive toys that we buy and they just want to play in an empty box.  
Our closing date for the house is set for the end of this month, so let's hope it all goes smoothly and we will have a new home.  We are so very excited to get a bigger space the boys can run all they want.  Now I wish it were spring.  We will put the bike path and the park to some good use.
On a rather sad note...we lost a family friend this morning.  Hanna Lee passed away from her long battle with cancer.  Our thoughts and prayer go out to the Lee family and Hanna's family. She will be missed.
I hope everyone is keeping warm.  More soon.....EK
more pictures of the boys: http://picasaweb.google.com/ekuempel/MovingBoxes#

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