Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thank Goodness!

Thank Goodness we made it through the holidays.  It is so nice to have them here, but very nice when they are done and life can get back on track.  We have all kinds of crazy weather, but that is what you get for living in Iowa.  I hope everyone made it through the New Year without any problems.  Nothing exciting really going on here.  Andrea and Bryce made it for New Years.  We were so excited to see them and actually meet Bryce again.  It has been awhile since we have seen them.  We loved to see the interaction between all the boys.  And it was touch and go there awhile....Kai didn't really like Wrigley (Andrea's boxer), but in the end there were many licks to be had :)
Massage business has been very busy and PK is getting back into the swing of things since he took some time off through the holidays.  The boys started back in their normal daycare and we are so very to have Deb back.  But she deserved and needed a long vacation.  I hope everyone is well and I will keep you posted when I can.  Much love! EK
Here are some pictures of all the boys.  The one picture of Kai and his wireless laptop.  We will be learning a lot soon :)  For more pictures go to:

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