Thursday, December 4, 2008

Polar Express/Birthday

Happy Thursday! I hope you are all having a great week. I know the Kuempel family in CF are. We are having a fantastic day. We made it to Boone without any problems last night. I guess we weren't sure what it was going to be like, but we were very happy. Kai LOVED the train & I think we should have left Kade at home, but lesson learned. It was about an hour and 1/2 ride and there were little girls doing the reading and trying to keep us entertained, but one downfall it was very cold. As my friend Jen would say...the meat locker on wheels. We had cookies and warm chocolate....really wasn't hot, but still very good. 1/2 way through the ride we stopped at the north pole and Santa came on the train w/the bells. Very happy that Kai didn't freak out. I wish we would have been able to do it during the day, but still very good. We had a much more peaceful ride to Boone then to Des Moines. Thank God for technology. Oh I have to laugh...I will post this picture of Kai bugging this lady for about 1/2 hour showing her his Polar Express book and saying's a Train. She was very nice. It was so funny :) Thanks to Jen for taking pictures....due to our cameras battery was about dead. I am also going to post a couple of pictures of the flowers my sister and her family got me and some chocolates a couple of PK'scoworkers got for me. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. More Later-EK :)
oh and if you go to this link you will be able to view more Polar Express pictures.
After I started this post...I got the best present of the night...well I guess 2. My wonderful husband bought me a new camera. I am so very excited! Now there will be a lot more pictures to come. The second great gift....our boys are asleep and it is 7:45 pm.

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