Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Iowa Winter Weather

Ok...not sure why we live in Iowa.  You are going to see this post a lot from me.  I guess I never really minded the snow, cold and even the ice.  But, now with 2 little ones and coats and car seats and on and so on.  We had our 1st bad winter storm this week.  I had a really busy day and the boys were in daycare, so everyone was safe, but I always worry when we are on the roads with them.  Crazy people out there.  Well, I am done working for the week and we are suppose to get another storm coming through tomorrow.  I will be dropping the boys off to Grandma's house in the morning to make cookies and I am going to finish up the rest of my Christmas shopping.  Then I am hopeful that we will make it home in time to snuggle in for the day.  
We are excited we will be meeting up with friends from out of town this weekend.  We hope to spend some time catching up about life and kids.  Oh another great thing...I finally got our Christmas cards, to I get them out as soon as possible.  Of course here are some pictures of the boys.
Much love! EK....stay safe on the roads.

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