Saturday, October 18, 2008

Typical Saturday....

Pretty much every Saturday the Kuempel family gets ready for the Iowa Hawks to play.  We get in our hawk gear to support the team.  We are also excited to find out that Paul's cousin is starting today.  Andy is #68 and he is starting as offensive tackel.  I am so excited.  He did great and held his men back....Yep we WON!!!

We started out tired....I wonder how long Kade will last tailgating?

Now we are off to tailgate at UNI...we love to do this with the kids.  It is so family friendly at the dome.  Needless to say my kids are the only ones there, but we still have so much fun.  There is plenty of food and room to run.  We are so blessed to have great family and friends to hang out with us.

Kade is making himself at home....

Thank god for Grims.....

I got tackled....

Playing nice...for awhile that is :)

Well, we survived our day :)  Both boys are asleep and PK and I are spending a little time alone and the house is quiet......

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