Monday, October 27, 2008

1st Day of No Daycare

Well, we survived our 1st day of no daycare.  Which I am so happy to be home with the kids, but being a small business owner and trying to move my clients around to spots where I do have someone to watch them is hard.  I am very lucky to have PK able to come home an hour here and there to watch them and then also lucky to have my mom watch them on her day off or when she is done working.  I might be calling for some help from people...just bare with me :)

Ok so today was a cold day outside, but we did venture outside with hats and coats, but no gloves.  On a short walk Kai said...hands cold.  So, off to the warm we went.  We plan on doing the library and our local rec center has a couple days a week for indoor play, so we will be seeing how that goes.   We will stay busy trust me :)

In these shots....Kai and Kade love to play in our unfinished basement.  It is so funny to hear Kai say come on Kade...downstairs.  Kai goes down and then Kade is at the door waving bye-bye to me and off to the basement they go.
Kai and Kade outside...didn't last too long, but that is ok because I was cold.
They love to look at the squirrels and birds.  I usually get a stool for Kade to stand on.
Kade was trying to be as tall as Dad.
I love this shot...because Kai never wants to take a nap, so I love when he just crashes.  Oh and you can also see the hair stand up a little in the back from him twirling it.  Gotta love it!

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