I hope this 1st of 2 or more posts finds everyone well. We have finished our 1st Christmas gathering. 1st of all very sad. My sister Andrea and her family couldn't make it due to weather and a bad roads. I am very sad about this, but very thankful they stayed home and safe. That is all that matters. PK and I had to work this morning, but not long and then we made it to my Dad's house for gifts and great food. It was so nice to be able to hang out with him. Now...around 5 we will be heading over to my mom's house to hang out. The weather will depend on if we will be able to head out of town to the other gatherings. If you do head out please travel safe and don't take unnecessary chances. Not worth it.
Here are some pics of the kids oh and PK painted most of our bedroom. The green is what we are painting it.
Merry Christmas from the Kuempel Family in CF :)
check out more photos at:

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