Friday, February 5, 2010


Man, time flies. I love that the boys are getting older and bigger, but then I am so sad that it is going by too fast. Oh well, life is life right, so we just have to make the best of everyday and do the most we can. I can't say enough how happy I am I get to be home with the boys on Thursday and Fridays. Yep they are trying some times, but I get to laugh and smile at to precious lives that PK and I have created. What could be better? Their personalities are changing everyday and it is so fun to watch. Trust me there are battles but we can get through anything.....i guess laughing all the way right :o) I know my mom smiles because I know my sister and I put her through the same things. As I have said before pay backs aren't always fun. I have found out that Kade has my temper to the T. Lord he is going to be a tough me Kai is no bed of roses.
Ok onto the highlights that have happened in our very boring lives. Well, the weather still sucks, so we haven't done a lot outside. We are so looking forward to spring/summer. But thank god the boys seem to be playing better together and will go downstairs to play without mom or dad. Thank goodness for daycare and they at least get out of our house and gets to play with their friends. Another thing about daycare friends is now our boys are crazy about mickey mouse. It is so funny hearing Kade trying to sing some of the songs. I tell you that boy cracks me up.
Kai is doing great at school....when he does go. What I mean by that is with our crappy crazy weather we get a lot of late starts (which means no preschool) or school is cancelled, so I am very bummed when he doesn't get to go. He is telling us more and more what he is doing in school and he LOVEs his teachers. Way too cute. He tells us what snacks they had and of course if someone pushed him. He is counting to 15 and can say the whole alphabet. What a cute little man we have.
Now little man Kade. He is doing great with potty training. We hope to be out of diapers all together here soon. He is getting so big and very opinionated. Oh well that is life with a 21/2 year old. He is counting and saying his ABCs thanks to his big brother. Which is a huge blessing.
Kai is going through another growth spurt. He is eating about every 2 hours. 10 pieces of toast yesterday. Yep the boys ate a 1/2 of loaf of bread for breakfast. I might be in trouble in a couple of years. PK better keep working.
Well, I hope everyone is healthy and happy. I need to give a shout out to Tom Kuempel...Happy Birthday on the 4th. I know you were sick, but you are loved by all of us. I hope to post more often, but bear with me times gets busy with 2 jobs, a house, a husband, a dog and 2 crazy busy boys. I am not complaining trust me :o)

Love to you all! EK

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