GeoTagged, [N42.52984, E92.44851]Well, it has been brought to my attention that I have slacked at my bog posting and this person is right. It is so easy to do and everyone wants to hear about the boys...but I will try to be better. Or PK can remind me more often....hint hint.
It is a gorgeous Thursday and the boys, Koda and I are at the park. Today Kade had school which he loves and I swear he has a girlfriend named Zoe. That is all he talks about. He is doing good, but gets a little sad and misses mom, dad, Kai & Koda. We will be going in a field trip to a dairy farm in a couple of weeks. I am really excited & Kade is going to freakout because he gets to ride on a school bus. Fun times!
So, when Kade is at school on Thursdays it's just Kai and me. Today wasn't as good as usual. Let's just say way late night (he didn't want to go to bed) and going to school 2 full days a week...he is tired and we were having some issues, but we worked them out. He is liking school and he is finally eating after going on a hunger strike for a couple of weeks. He loves his teachers. We have conferences tomorrow, so we will see how it goes.
PK and I are busy as usual. Our daycare lady's sister passed, so our hearts are heavy for Deb. Also prayers go out to my mother in law who is on her way to Madagascar for mission work. That lady truly amazes me!
Well, I will blog soon oh and I will get pictures up with a link. God Bless! Oh and Go Hawks! PK & I will be at homecoming this weekend. We also get to see our great friend Jamie...YAY!