Friday, August 31, 2012

Moms new sunglasses

This is what happens when I get a package of new sunglasses in the mail...then I go to the store! I love my boys...big and little ones!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

School Time!!!

The boys did such a great job on their 1st day of school. Here are some pictures. More adventures to come!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pool Rats

I love that the boys love to swim! We are lucky that Allison likes the pool too because she takes them to the pool 3 days and I usually get them there the other 2 days. Fishes I tell ya!

The Lil Kuempel's crazy hair...

So funny....the longer the summer goes on the more pool time the boys get in...this equals straw like hair. So, the mornings they get up their hair is crazy as all get out! And so hard to tame.
The new fun thing for the boys is sleeping in the basement in the big bed together. So...this usually happens Thursday-Saturday night...and I'm off, so that means I'm sleeping on the couch. Thank goodness our couch is very comfortable. But the boys LOVE to sleep in a big bed together. Too bad the heat is still ungodly! Hugs...EK

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy 4th of July...And

I'm proud to be an Anerican and also happy birthday Grandpa. I can't remember am I trouble 1 or trouble 2? Love you Grandpa!!!

Staying Cool

The boys were so good at the Bucks game I told the boys I would take them to ChuckECheese. I was happy to take them there...the heat is just bad and the boys can run around and have fun. I'm also lucky the boys are old enough that they can run around without me worrying...I sat and read a book. We stayed there for 2 hours. The boys are really wiped out. We are vegging out the rest of the night. Stay Cool!!

Buck's baseball game

Yes only the Kuempel family will sit out at a baseball game in 96° heat wave. The boys were amazing...had a couple of small meltdowns, but I think I had a mini meltdown myself. The game was great. It went in extra innings and we almost won...we stayed for fireworks and got baseballs signed and a bat! It was also great Kai walked out w/a player to give the score card to the umps. And Kade got to say Play Ball!!! So very proud of them...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kade Graduated....

Kade had his preschool graduation even though he goes until June 6th. We are so proud of him!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I got Kai and Kade cookies for Kai's last day. We will doing this all again on June 6th for Kade's last day!

Mustache May

Another year another mustache! Paul is doing this again w/his office. I can only laugh, but I really can't wait for him to shave.

Kai & Mrs. Cero

Kai is officially done with Kindergarten today at 1:30!!! What a great year. So fun to watch him grow and opening up socially. I love that he can read to us.

Now poor Kade goes to school until June 6th. After that summer will officially begin!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break Fun!

We are staying in Dubuque for over a week. The boys love to be here. Today we are at Grand Harbor Resort. It's an indoor waterpark. I hope this gets some of their energy out!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Our boys are so hot blooded. We went out to eat and they were complaining how hot they were. And wanted to strip down there at the table. Yeah not happening :) we get home and as soon as the coats come off so do the clothes. Lord! They are watching Lion King...:0) happy Friday.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I have such good helpers! I can't wait have them a little bigger, so they can help me more in the kitchen. By the time they are ready to cook I hope to have more patients...and hope to be better about sharing my kitchen...HA! See I say MY kitchen :0)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Friday!

I love target clearance! I got them matching hats for $1.50. They might not find this cool in a couple years! So happy Friday! Enjoy the sun :0)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lion King

What a nice surprise Grandpa sent the boys Lion King in the mail. We are watching it right now. Thank you Grandpa.

Waiting for Kai

I got the boys a subscription to National Geographic for Kids. The 1st issue came today and Kade is reading it while we are waiting for Kai to get out of school. Kade loves it!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a fantastic day. Grandma and Papa came to visit and god bless papa he fixed our dishwasher!
We have a busy week of work and school. We are lucky we are all happy healthy. Have a great week.
Pic is of the boys watching shows on their 3D DS. Lord the technology!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I was getting up this morning and walked by the boys room and they were chatting away. When I hear Kai say to Kade do you want to come lay up here. Heart melts! Then Kade climbs the ladder....and says my tummy is talking down here. Yep I better start breakfast :) XO EK

Oh my mom will chuckle at the picture of the boys and the heater. Andrea and I lived in front of the heater!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Disney World=2 lucky boys

Well, our 1st family trip was a success! When I mean trip I mean on the plane for a 7 day trip....and to the happiest place on earth. I will make our trip into multiple posts.
We didn't tell the boys until the day before we left. We booked the vacation on Dec 5th and left on Jan 21st. We knew for sure if the kids knew right away we would get asked multiple times a day if we were going. At 1st they didn't understand "Disney World", but then we told them Mickey and Minnie & going on an airplane. They were excited!
The pictures: we got our Disney Magical bus tickets. This is awesome staying on the Disney resort. The bus picks you up from the airport...they take your bags and they appear in your room later that day. We didn't have to deal w/parking or having a car. Buses took us to all the parks :0)
The next picture is Kai pointing out where he wanted to go when we got there.
The next 2 pictures is waiting in Des Monies airport shuttle to come and get us. The trip starts :)
*sorry pics out of get the picture.
More to come :0)
XO Erica

Happy Birthday...Grandpa

Wishing my father-in-law the happiest of birthdays! We love you so very much!!!

New Haircuts

Hey Everyone! I am sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but my software hasn't worked. I promise to do a blog on our wonderful Disney Trip. Here are a couple of pictures of the boys and their shorter haircuts. They are changing so much. Ok I am ready to stop time now. Stay tuned for more blogs to come :)

Erica xo