Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Friday

GeoTagged, [N42.49505, E92.44790]

Not sure what Friday is going to bring us. I think we will go see Rio (the movie) and it's finally suppose to be nice outside, so playing outside and we so need to mow. Happy Friday!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Other one

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And here is the lil man :) happy Easter!


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On our way to Dubuque and forgot the boys sunglasses, so Kai is wearing mine. Love it!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Difference in ages...

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It's crazy how the boys are so different. This is Kai playing his DS...he can't get enough of video games. We have to limit the time, but we are always getting asked to play. I am sitting on the couch writing this and I can hear Kade in the toy area playing and talking to his toys. I love it. I love his little conversation with his toys. I am going to be sad when all he wants to do is play video games. Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


GeoTagged, [N42.49497, E92.45155]

Well, out 1st night of soccer...not a success. Our oldest (eldest..not sure the right grammar) child is shy as all get out. I am really not sure where he got this from. So, the 1st night of soccer he decided to sit out. We weren't happy about this but not sure what else to do. I found out at the end of practice we can run the field with the kids. This might make a huge difference. I will keep you posted. On the other hand we have Kade...he is too young to play in this camp, but he is so excited to play. Next week 1 one of us will play with Kai and the other will take an extra ball and get kade worn out. Official soccer parents?! We will see next Sunday :) EK

Friday, April 8, 2011


GeoTagged, [N42.49367, E92.45234]

Good morning! I downloaded a new camera application on my phone and you can play with the look of the pictures. I love it! So you might get a lot of pictures..I know you won't mind :) so funny I was showing pk these pictures and he made the comment that...remember everyone hated those old fading pictures and here we are trying to recreate them.
Well, we have a gloomy day and the boys are tired. I made pancakes and sausage for them. Now off to beg my mom to watch the boys so I can go for a run...which will be one of the last times I will have to since we ordered a new treadmill that will be here on Monday! We are very excited! I hope everyone has a great weekend. Much love! EK

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Together Fun

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And it is a constant wrestle or fighting match in our house. Again a long summer. Love these boys :)

So Tall

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And our other lil man! Well, our tall lil man! This will be a long summer of underwear. Just preparing everyone.

Ta Dah

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Living with Kade is never a dull moment! He is showing us his drawing. God love this boy.